Wood Turning

ohlde_turning_1Wood turning is a form of woodworking that is used to create wooden objects on a lathe. Wood turning differs from most other forms of woodworking in that the wood is moving while a stationary tool is used to cut and shape it. Many intricate shapes and designs can be made by turning wood.

There are a lot of “turners” at the shop. There are several turning lathes to use and classes are held for beginning and advanced wood turners.

Turned objects are practical and ascetically pleasing. They are used for bowls, table legs, decoration, vases, wood pens, plates, toy tops.

Some items are turned from large solid wood blocks and tree sections. Others are made of “glues ups” using segments of wood pie slices formed in a bowl or vase shape, then turned on the lathe to smooth round bowls, dishes and vases.

Here are some examples.

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