With the age of email, the club is able to inform members of events, procedure changes, opportunities, reminders or any number of items quickly. These can happen frequently, as situations dictate.
Additional information is distributed in the newsletter. The newsletter outlines happening in the club, highlights member’s work and spotlights a club member each month. The newsletter is accessible several ways to members: emailed, on club bulletin boards (two of them) at the wood shop and also posted on this website.
The Wood Working Club has a nine member elected governing board which meets monthly to make decisions for the management and direction of the club. Each month, the general membership meets (in the winter time) to keep members more informed and solicit input into decisions. These general meetings are usually the first Tuesday of the month. Both meeting’s minutes are sent out to members via email, posted on this website and also on the club’s bulletin board.
The club has a big screen TV in the assembly room that plays nonstop. A variety of items are posted including pictures of member’s work, important upcoming events and a laugh or two.
Finally, the website you are currently on has helpful information to make your membership more informed. Here you can find the minutes of meetings, times and places for meetings, and also there is a quick link to the monitor signup page. This allows you to access monitor (working in the shop for credits) availability sign up from home, the shop or your smart phone. Click here to see the site.
Here is a list of all the ways to find out what is going on in the shop
- This website
- Website event calendar
- Board meeting minutes
- Monthly Club meeting
- General meeting minutes
- Emails from the club
- Club Bulletin board
- Big Screen in the shop