The Sun City West Woodworking club has a lumber room where members can purchase lumber, sheet goods, glue, dowels, and other small supplies.
The lumber room regularly stocks
Baltic Birch * sheet goods * Maple * Walnut * White Oak * Red Oak Cherry * Alder * Mahogany
* Hickory * Knotty Alder * Poplar * White Ash
Exotic lumber when available and dimension lumber.
Supplies included are
Sand paper of multiple grits * Full extension drawer slides * Three types of wood glue and glue bottles
* cheese cutter hardware * numerous pocket screws * Dominoes, and dowels.
There is a price list posted on the lumber room door (see 1st photo above) that will tell you about many of the items available and the prices.
You can buy whole boards and sheets of plywood, or partial board and portions of plywood sheets. The rule is that you must leave at least 4 feet of any board, and sheet goods are sold as whole, half or quarter sheets.
After cutting, return the portion you are not buying to the lumber room shelf that it came from. Once you have made your selection, the lumber room sales rep will measure and price each item.
Boards are priced by the board foot and are measured by width and length (1BF = 1” Thick x L’ x W’). Sheet goods are measure by whole, half or quarter sheet. The sales rep will create and invoice for you and payment can be made in cash, check or credit card.
The lumber room hours are for fifteen minutes at a time
Hours: 9:00 AM * 11:00 AM * 1:00 PM
Monday thru Friday Closed on Saturdays and Sundays
Try to be prepared when you get in the lumber room. Remember, the volunteer sales rep is a member just like you and has a project they want to get back to. If you are cutting a board or sheet, bring some help if it is too large or heavy for you to handle by yourself.
The shop restocks regularly, so it won’t take long. It is up to the member to take his or her items from the lumber room. We do not store materials for members there is just no room.